Friday, April 29, 2011

Baby Update {30 Weeks}

  • Every morning, around 6:00 a.m., little muffin has a dance party. I think her favorite dance moves are the macarena and any kind of line dancing (boot-scoot-boogie, electric slide, etc.) Hopefully she will be as smooth as her daddy on the dance floor.

  • Sometimes, I get this crazy acid reflux. Like, I'm pretty sure there is a ball of fire in my throat. 

  • I've got sleeping down to a science! After several nights of discomfort, I have finally figured out the most comfortable sleep position. If you stick a standard sized pillow between your legs and then have the top tip of the pillow go slightly underneath your belly, you are in good shape! The only trouble happens when you decide to roll over in your sleep and are either awaken because you rolled onto your back and your spine is being crushed by a bowling ball. Or you wake up because you are now treating your spouse as the pillow you once had perfectly situated. Tyler and I have a full size bed and, while neither of us are large people, a full size bed is teeny-tiny when you are growing a human in your belly. Every time I complain about not sleeping well, Tyler reminds me of that day, long ago, when we were in Hank's Furniture shopping for our mattress. It was three months before our marriage and Tyler was sleeping on the floor of our studio apartment. My parents gave us a handful of cash to purchase a bed as a wedding gift, so we were at Hank's trying to score the best deal. My logic was, "Hey, let's buy a full size bed since it's the cheapest and then we can save the money we have left to put towards a kitchen table." I recall Tyler agreeing with the saving money part, but he insists that this is a false memory and that he fought to buy the queen bed. Nevertheless, we are still proud owners of a full size bed. Sorry Ty.  

  • The nursery is coming right along. My mother-in-law, grammy and mom purchased the glider from my registry and it arrived in a huge box a few weeks back. It is white wood with a beautiful butter yellow cushion and footstool. Just this weekend, I just purchased a rug I had been eying at Target with some birthday money and a gift card. It is gorgeous and is truly the focal point of the entire room. Now I just have to narrow down all the beautiful artwork I have saved on my Etsy wishlist to a few pieces that I want to hang in Baby Girl's room. When Casie and I went to IKEA back in January, I got these really cool picture ledges that I'm hoping to put interchangeable artwork, children's books and photographs.  Ty is going to help me hang the shelves once he is finished with this semesters' school work. And I got the cutest little square end table from Hobby Lobby that was marked down to $20. I had a $50 gift card that my momma gave me for my birthday, so the table was free. Holla!

  • My appetite is increasing and my stomach capacity is decreasing. After supper, it sometimes feels like I am gasping for air. I keep taking these deep breaths and making these loud sighing noises, which is usually what I do when I am feeling frustrated or overwhelmed. The other night while we were sitting on the couch watching a movie, Tyler looked over at me and said, "Is everything okay? Are you upset?" I replied, "Nope. Just trying to breathe." My torso is shrinking into oblivion. No lie.

  • I am getting more and more excited about meeting her. I can't wait to see what she looks like. Will she have her daddy's auburn hair? Will she have my big brown eyes?


Nursery Furniture said...
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liz leybeck said...

I have been waiting for a new post. I can't believe you are already at 30 weeks. She will be here before you know it. We are so excited for you and Ty. Love you!